The MIMF Yellow Scroll Coral will add beauty and a splash of color to any reef aquarium. With its yellow base and bright yellow polyp extension, this corals unique growth patterns are sure to mesmerize any home aquarist!
We find that they grow in a variety of shapes including cups, plates, vases, or scrolls and can be placed on your rockwork to grow horizontally or vertically. Unlike our MIMF Purple & Yellow Scroll, this variety will often be seen with its polyps extended much throughout the day adding both color and movement.
It is a peaceful reef inhabitant and does not bother other corals that are placed in close proximity to it. However, it should still be provided with ample space away from other corals because it does grow quickly.
Approximate Purchase Size: 2"
**ORA Corals are Shipped Directly from ORA Facilities and not from SaltwaterAquarium**