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Captive-Bred Elongate Dottyback (Pseudochromis elongatus) - ORA

You save $7.50
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Shipping: All Live Animals are Shipped Fedex Priority Overnight in insulated cooler boxes with appropriate heat/cold packs. We only ship live animals on Monday - Thursday via Priority Overnight. There is a $39.99 Fee for all Live Animal Orders under $179.

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The Elongate Dottyback is a rarely imported species known only from Sulawesi and the Molucca Islands of Indonesia. This small 2-inch dottyback is hardy and feeds easily on pellets and frozen foods. They have a black body with a red to orange head and tail, and are sometimes called Floppy-Tail Dottyback.

This coveted species appears to be considerably less aggressive than most of the other dottyback species that ORA raises. Their diminutive size coupled with an agreeable attitude makes them a perfect addition to today’s popular nano reef tanks.

Approximate Purchase Size: 1.25" - 1.5"

Photos are a representation only. Actual fish and corals may vary.

**ORA Fish are Shipped Directly from ORA Facilities and not from SaltwaterAquarium**

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