
Apex Systems

  • Apex TRIDENT (Alk, Cal, Mag) Monitoring Device - Neptune Systems

    Apex TRIDENT (Alk, Cal, Mag) Monitoring Device - Neptune Systems

    Neptune Systems

    (43 Reviews)

    The Trident is an automated testing system that regularly tests alkalinity, calcium, and magnesium in your saltwater aquarium — and then communicates this information to your Apex so you can get alerts, and change your dosing. When combined with...
  • A3 Apex System (A3APEXSYS) - Neptune Systems

    A3 Apex System (A3APEXSYS) - Neptune Systems

    Neptune Systems

    (2 Reviews)

    Key New Features in our A3 Series: The A3 Apex will include a new Magnetic Optical Sensor that is designed to better prevent water incursion and includes our classic Solid Surface Leak Detector (LD-2). The most successful aquariums are those...