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Saltwater Coral Farm

Gold Torch “Ignited Dragon Soul” (3/4" - 2") 1-2 Heads - SAQ Coral Farm

You save $34.50
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In Stock - Get it Tuesday.
Shipping: All Live Animals are Shipped Fedex Priority Overnight in insulated cooler boxes with appropriate heat/cold packs. We only ship live animals on Monday - Thursday via Priority Overnight. There is a $39.99 Fee for all Live Animal Orders under $179.

Frequently Bought Together:

Gold Torch “Ignited Dragon Soul” (3/4" - 2") 1-2 Heads - SAQ Coral Farm
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Pictured coral above is an example of what may be sent to you. If you are looking to start buying coral online to add to your reef tank, this is the best choice.

Gold Torch Corals are a part of the euphyllia family. A vibrant branching coral with long tentacles that look like fireworks! This coral brings beautiful movement to your tank. They are a fast growing coral for beginners and experts alike. 

  • Expertise: Beginner - Moderate 
  • Lighting: Low – Medium
  • Flow: Low - Medium 

*Photo is a representation of the corals you will receive.

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