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ICP Analysis

ICP Mass Spec Saltwater Aquarium Water Test (50+ Elements) - ICP Analysis


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ICP Mass Spec Saltwater Aquarium Water Test (50+ Elements) - ICP Analysis
ICP Mass Spec Saltwater Aquarium Water Test (50+ Elements) - ICP Analysis
ICP Mass Spec Saltwater Aquarium Water Test (50+ Elements) - ICP Analysis
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ICP Mass Spec Saltwater Aquarium Water Test (50+ Elements) - ICP Analysis
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This is the first Mass Spec test offered to the aquarium industry.  We will test over 50 elements down to ppt, parts per trillion.  There is not any test more accurate available.  This test is up to 1000x more accurate than traditional ICP OES.  We use a five point calibration curve and certified standards to guarantee accuracy.  Because of this accuracy you will also be told how much to dose your aquarium with popular brands of trace elements, such as Aqua Forest, Red Sea Coral Colors, ATI,  and even Trident!

  • 1000x more sensitive then ICP OES
  • Accurate results down to to the trillions
  • 1x Test Vile
  • 1x Prepaid return package
  • Free Return Shipping!
  • Results 1-2 days after receipt

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