We ONLY Ship Maricultured Live Rock on Tuesdays for Wednesday delivery. That means if you order Wednesday - Monday, all orders will ship on the following Tuesday.
Pricing includes...
Live Rock Enhance™ contains microbial spores and their attendant enzymes. The ingredients in Live Rock Enhance™ eat and dissolve detritus, dead algae, slime and decomposing life attached to, and...
Exquisite Fairy Wrasse 2" - 3" in size.
Exquisite Fairy Wrasse or Cirrhilabrus exquisitus will not pick on corals or invertebrates, making them an ideal fish for the reef aquarium.
(6 Pack) Azure Damsel medium in size.
Azure Damsel or Chrysiptera Hemicyanea are great for beginners. This beautiful damsel is bright blue with a dipped in yellow coloration.
(3 PACK) Scissortail Goby 2.25" - 3.5" in size.
Scissortail Goby or Ptereleotris evides is also called the scissortail dartfish. This fish is great for beginners and experts alike...