
BYO Package Addons

Build Your Own Reef Clean Up Crew

  • On Sale 15%
    Emerald Crab (Mithraculus sculptus) - Clean up Crew
    On Sale 15%

    Emerald Crab (Mithraculus sculptus) - Clean up Crew

    Clean Up Crews

    Mithraculus sculptus is a small crab with a carapace longer than it is wide and large chelae (claws). The carapace is flat, shiny and green, finely sculpted, with whitish material adhering to the projections. The chelae are also...
  • On Sale 15%
    Peppermint Shrimp - Small Tank Raised (Lysmata boggessi) - ORA Chicago
    On Sale 15%

    Peppermint Shrimp - Small Tank Raised (Lysmata boggessi) - ORA Chicago


    These peppermint shrimp are captive-bred, tank raised & completely reef-safe, and will consume nuisance Aiptasia anemones. The name Peppermint Shrimp applies to a variety of Lysmata species that are distributed along the Eastern...
  • On Sale 15%
    Peppermint Shrimp - XL Wild Caught (Lysmata sp.) - Clean Up Crew
    On Sale 15%

    Peppermint Shrimp - XL Wild Caught (Lysmata sp.) - Clean Up Crew

    Clean Up Crews

    These peppermint shrimp are XL large size wild caught.  Lysmata wurdemanni is a reef safe cleaning animal which consumes parasites and dead or diseased tissue from other animals, and is therefore used in marine...
  • On Sale 15%
    Cleaner Shrimp - Clean Up Crew
    On Sale 15%

    Cleaner Shrimp - Clean Up Crew

    Clean Up Crews

    Known by various names, including Pacific cleaner shrimp, scarlet cleaner shrimp, and skunk cleaner shrimp, these shrimp play a vital role in coral reef ecosystems. Their common name is derived from the fact that a large portion of their diet is made up...
  • On Sale 15%
    (5) Pack LARGE Mexican Turbo Snail (Turob Fluctuosa) - Cleanup Crew
    On Sale 15%

    (5) Pack LARGE Mexican Turbo Snail (Turob Fluctuosa) - Cleanup Crew

    Clean Up Crews

    Mexican Turbo snails quickly eliminates large amounts of nuisance algae. It is particularly fond of hair algae and will consume mass quantities of it and other algae off your live rock and aquarium glass.  An excellent member of your...
  • On Sale 15%
    Brittle Starfish (Ophiuroidea) - Cleanup Crew
    On Sale 15%

    Brittle Starfish (Ophiuroidea) - Cleanup Crew

    Clean Up Crews

    Like starfish, brittle stars are echinoderms but are in the class Ophiuroidea rather than Asteroidea. Brittle stars have five long, skinny arms and a central disk containing a calcium carbonate skeleton and all of their internal organs. As long as...
  • On Sale 15%
    (10) Pack Trochus Snails (Trochus spp.) Banded or White - Cleanup Crew
    On Sale 15%

    (10) Pack Trochus Snails (Trochus spp.) Banded or White - Cleanup Crew

    Clean Up Crews

    Trochus snails consume film algae, hair algae, diatoms and some species of cyanobacteria. These snails are excellent for cleaning the rocks and glass of your aquarium, but tend to shy away from the sand. Trochus snails can right themselves, but like...
  • On Sale 15%
    (10) Pack Bumble Bee Snail (Engina mendicaria) - Cleanup Crew
    On Sale 15%

    (10) Pack Bumble Bee Snail (Engina mendicaria) - Cleanup Crew

    Clean Up Crews

    Bumble Bee snails are very active scavengers, feeding on crabs and carrion as dead fish, etc. They are great at eating vermetid snails, polychaete worms, and left over food & waste. Clean Up Crews only Ship on Monday - Thursday to avoid...
  • On Sale 15%
    (5) Pack LARGE Nassaurius Snail (Nassarius vibex) - Cleanup Crew
    On Sale 15%

    (5) Pack LARGE Nassaurius Snail (Nassarius vibex) - Cleanup Crew

    Clean Up Crews

    Nassarius snails are very active scavengers, feeding on crabs and carrion as dead fish, etc. They often burrow into marine substrates and then wait with only their siphon protruding, until they smell nearby food.  They are essential for aerating...
  • On Sale 15%
    (10) Pack LARGE Mexican Turbo Snail (Turob Fluctuosa) - Cleanup Crew
    On Sale 15%

    (10) Pack LARGE Mexican Turbo Snail (Turob Fluctuosa) - Cleanup Crew

    Clean Up Crews

    Mexican Turbo snails quickly eliminates large amounts of nuisance algae. It is particularly fond of hair algae and will consume mass quantities of it and other algae off your live rock and aquarium glass.  An excellent member of your...
  • On Sale 15%
    (5) Pack Blue Legged Hermit Crabs (Clibanarius sp) - Cleanup Crew
    On Sale 15%

    (5) Pack Blue Legged Hermit Crabs (Clibanarius sp) - Cleanup Crew

    Clean Up Crews

    Scarlet & Blue Leg Hermits are an essential part of any Clean up Crew.  This omnivore can access the smallest crevices and openings within aquascape to consume any nuisance algae including hair algae and cyanobacteria. They also will consume...
  • On Sale 15%
    (10) Pack Blue Legged Hermit Crabs (Clibanarius sp) - Cleanup Crew
    On Sale 15%

    (10) Pack Blue Legged Hermit Crabs (Clibanarius sp) - Cleanup Crew

    Clean Up Crews

    Scarlet & Blue Leg Hermits are an essential part of any Clean up Crew.  This omnivore can access the smallest crevices and openings within aquascape to consume any nuisance algae including hair algae and cyanobacteria. They also will consume...
  • On Sale 15%
    Fuzzy Chiton (Acanthopleura sp.) - Clean Up Crews
    On Sale 15%

    Fuzzy Chiton (Acanthopleura sp.) - Clean Up Crews

    Clean Up Crews

    This species of chiton grows to be about 7 cm (2.8 in) in length. The girdle is densely spiky and usually has a few black bands. Consumes: Hair Algae, Cyanobacteria, Diatoms and Turf Algae The surface of the valves (or...
  • On Sale 15%
    (5) Pack Trochus Snails (Trochus spp.) Banded or White - Cleanup Crew
    On Sale 15%

    (5) Pack Trochus Snails (Trochus spp.) Banded or White - Cleanup Crew

    Clean Up Crews

    Trochus snails consume film algae, hair algae, diatoms and some species of cyanobacteria. These snails are excellent for cleaning the rocks and glass of your aquarium, but tend to shy away from the sand. Trochus snails can right themselves, but like...
  • On Sale 15%
    (50) Mixed Size & Shape Sterilized Aquarium Safe Empty Shells
    On Sale 15%

    (50) Mixed Size & Shape Sterilized Aquarium Safe Empty Shells


    Reef Safe Sterilized Clean Empty Hermit/Snail Shells.  Perfect new homes for your hermits as they grow.  These are designed for aquariums/reef tanks.  No polish, no paint, completely sterile. Mixed Sizes and Shapes.  Both Standard...
  • On Sale 15%
    Pitho Crab- Chicago Clean up Crew
    On Sale 15%

    Pitho Crab- Chicago Clean up Crew

    Clean Up Crews

      The Pithos crab is a small crab species with a bulbous body and cupped claws that is native to the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and Atlantic: Appearance Pithos crabs have a molted brown, tan, or...
  • On Sale 15%
    (10) Pack LARGE Nassaurius Snail (Nassarius vibex) - Cleanup Crew
    On Sale 15%

    (10) Pack LARGE Nassaurius Snail (Nassarius vibex) - Cleanup Crew

    Clean Up Crews

    Nassarius snails are very active scavengers, feeding on crabs and carrion as dead fish, etc. They often burrow into marine substrates and then wait with only their siphon protruding, until they smell nearby food.  They are essential for aerating...
  • On Sale 15%
    (10) Pack Astrea Snails (Astraea tecta) - Cleanup Crew
    On Sale 15%

    (10) Pack Astrea Snails (Astraea tecta) - Cleanup Crew

    Clean Up Crews

    Astraea Snails are awesome herbivores that have an amazingly voracious appetite for nuisance algae in the home aquariums.  Astraea Snails graze on algae's such as diatoms and cyano. Clean Up Crews only Ship on Monday - Thursday to avoid...
  • On Sale 15%
    (5) Pack Black Margarita Snail (Margarites pupillus) - Cleanup Crew
    On Sale 15%

    (5) Pack Black Margarita Snail (Margarites pupillus) - Cleanup Crew

    Clean Up Crews

    Black Margarita snails can make an excellent addition to your saltwater tank.  They are a great snail for consuming massive amounts of algae and can self-right if they fall off a rock or are knocked over. Clean Up Crews only Ship on Monday -...
  • On Sale 15%
    (10) Medium Conical Shaped Sterilized Aquarium Safe Empty Shells
    On Sale 15%

    (10) Medium Conical Shaped Sterilized Aquarium Safe Empty Shells


    Reef Safe Sterilized Clean Empty Hermit/Snail Shells.  Perfect new homes for your hermits as they grow.  These are designed for aquariums/reef tanks.  No polish, no paint, completely sterile. Medium Conical - Shells 1/2" to...
  • On Sale 15%
    (25) Pack Trochus Snails (Trochus spp.) Banded or White - Cleanup Crew
    On Sale 15%

    (25) Pack Trochus Snails (Trochus spp.) Banded or White - Cleanup Crew

    Clean Up Crews

    Trochus snails consume film algae, hair algae, diatoms and some species of cyanobacteria. These snails are excellent for cleaning the rocks and glass of your aquarium, but tend to shy away from the sand. Trochus snails can right themselves, but like...
  • On Sale 15%
    (10) Pack Cerith Snail (Cerithium SP) - Cleanup Crew
    On Sale 15%

    (10) Pack Cerith Snail (Cerithium SP) - Cleanup Crew

    Clean Up Crews

    Cerith snails are small but elegant (white or dark) spiral shelled snails and are very active scavengers, feeding on crabs and carrion and dead fish, etc. They often burrow into marine substrates and then wait until they smell nearby food.  They are...
  • On Sale 15%
    (5) Pack Red Legged Hermit Crabs (Clibanarius sp) - Cleanup Crew
    On Sale 15%

    (5) Pack Red Legged Hermit Crabs (Clibanarius sp) - Cleanup Crew

    Clean Up Crews

    Red & Blue Leg Hermits are an essential part of any Clean up Crew.  This omnivore can access the smallest crevices and openings within aquascape to consume any nuisance algae including hair algae and cyanobacteria. They also will consume uneaten...
  • On Sale 15%
    Aquacultured Small Tank Raised Cerith Snails (Cerith sp.)  - ORA
    On Sale 15%

    Aquacultured Small Tank Raised Cerith Snails (Cerith sp.) - ORA


    As a beneficial member of every aquarium cleanup crew, the ORA Cerith Snail makes up for its small size with a big appetite. Active mostly at night, our spiral shelled scavengers consume detritus, uneaten fish food and algae. They enjoy burrowing through...
  • On Sale 15%
    Aquacultured Marshall Island Trochus Snail (Trochus sp.)  - ORA
    On Sale 15%

    Aquacultured Marshall Island Trochus Snail (Trochus sp.) - ORA


    Trochus snails are the best algae eaters you can buy for your aquarium.  Unlike most snails in the aquarium industry, these are from warm tropical waters and thrive in captivity.  They are voracious herbivores that will graze on rocks and tank...
  • On Sale 15%
    Upside-Down Jellyfish - Clean Up Crew
    On Sale 15%

    Upside-Down Jellyfish - Clean Up Crew

    Clean Up Crews

    JELLIES WILL SHRINK UP IN SHIPPING - GIVE THEM TIME TO "INFLATE" AND ACCLIMATE Upside-down jellyfish have a flattened bell so they can easily rest on sediment. The bell continuously pulses in order to push water over the jellyfish’s tissue,...
  • On Sale 15%
    Porcelain Crab (Petrolisthes galathinus) - Clean up Crew
    On Sale 15%

    Porcelain Crab (Petrolisthes galathinus) - Clean up Crew

    Clean Up Crews

    Coloration can vary - these are not always white, brown is common as well. Porcelain crabs live in abundance in Pacific Coast tide pools. They hide under stones, between mussels in mussel beds, among sponges and tucked into tufts of algae. Safely...
  • On Sale 15%
    (5) Pack LARGE Nerite Snail (Neritina Natalensis) - Cleanup Crew
    On Sale 15%

    (5) Pack LARGE Nerite Snail (Neritina Natalensis) - Cleanup Crew

    Clean Up Crews

    Nerite snails are extremely popular for their unique patterns and colors, as well as their practical benefits. They work hard to clean algae off of glass, plants, and decorations, they eat hair algae, and they keep your substrate clean and the...
  • On Sale 15%
    (5) Pack Astrea Snails (Astraea tecta) - Cleanup Crew
    On Sale 15%

    (5) Pack Astrea Snails (Astraea tecta) - Cleanup Crew

    Clean Up Crews

    Astraea Snails are awesome herbivores that have an amazingly voracious appetite for nuisance algae in the home aquariums.  Astraea Snails graze on algae's such as diatoms and cyano. Clean Up Crews only Ship on Monday - Thursday to avoid...
  • On Sale 15%
    (5) Pack Cerith Snail (Cerithium SP) - Cleanup Crew
    On Sale 15%

    (5) Pack Cerith Snail (Cerithium SP) - Cleanup Crew

    Clean Up Crews

    Cerith snails are small but elegant (white or dark) spiral shelled snails and are very active scavengers, feeding on crabs and carrion and dead fish, etc. They often burrow into marine substrates and then wait until they smell nearby food.  They are...
  • On Sale 15%
    (5) Pack Scarlet Reef Hermit Crabs (Paguristes cadenati) - Cleanup Crew
    On Sale 15%

    (5) Pack Scarlet Reef Hermit Crabs (Paguristes cadenati) - Cleanup Crew

    Clean Up Crews

    Paguristes cadenati, the scarlet hermit crab (not to be confused with the Mexican Red Leg Hermit), is a small (about 3 centimetres or 1.2 inches across) species of hermit crab with a bright red body and yellow eyestalks that...
  • On Sale 15%
    (25) Pack Blue Legged Hermit Crabs (Clibanarius sp) - Cleanup Crew
    On Sale 15%

    (25) Pack Blue Legged Hermit Crabs (Clibanarius sp) - Cleanup Crew

    Clean Up Crews

    Scarlet & Blue Leg Hermits are an essential part of any Clean up Crew.  This omnivore can access the smallest crevices and openings within aquascape to consume any nuisance algae including hair algae and cyanobacteria. They also will consume...
  • On Sale 15%
    (10) Pack Red Legged Hermit Crabs (Clibanarius sp) - Cleanup Crew
    On Sale 15%

    (10) Pack Red Legged Hermit Crabs (Clibanarius sp) - Cleanup Crew

    Clean Up Crews

    Red & Blue Leg Hermits are an essential part of any Clean up Crew.  This omnivore can access the smallest crevices and openings within aquascape to consume any nuisance algae including hair algae and cyanobacteria. They also will consume uneaten...
  • On Sale 15%
    (5) Large Standard Shaped Turbinate Sterilized Aquarium Safe Empty Shells
    On Sale 15%

    (5) Large Standard Shaped Turbinate Sterilized Aquarium Safe Empty Shells


    Reef Safe Sterilized Clean Empty Hermit/Snail Shells.  Perfect new homes for your hermits as they grow.  These are designed for aquariums/reef tanks.  No polish, no paint, completely sterile. Standard Shape (Turbinate) - Shells 1/2" to...
  • On Sale 15%
    (10) Pack Scarlet Reef Hermit Crabs (Paguristes cadenati) - Cleanup Crew
    On Sale 15%

    (10) Pack Scarlet Reef Hermit Crabs (Paguristes cadenati) - Cleanup Crew

    Clean Up Crews

    Paguristes cadenati, the scarlet hermit crab (not to be confused with the Mexican Red Leg Hermit), is a small (about 3 centimetres or 1.2 inches across) species of hermit crab with a bright red body and yellow eyestalks that...
  • On Sale 15%
    Sexy Shrimp (Thor amboinensis) - Chicago Clean up Crew
    On Sale 15%

    Sexy Shrimp (Thor amboinensis) - Chicago Clean up Crew

    Clean Up Crews

    The sexy shrimp, also known as Thor amboinensis, is a small shrimp with a distinctive appearance and unusual movements:      Size: Sexy shrimp are small, growing to about 1.5–13...
  • On Sale 15%
    (20) Small Conical Shaped Sterilized Aquarium Safe Empty Shells
    On Sale 15%

    (20) Small Conical Shaped Sterilized Aquarium Safe Empty Shells


    Reef Safe Sterilized Clean Empty Hermit/Snail Shells.  Perfect new homes for your hermits as they grow.  These are designed for aquariums/reef tanks.  No polish, no paint, completely sterile. Small Conical - Shells 1/2" and Under Shells...
  • On Sale 15%
    (10) Pack Black Margarita Snail (Margarites pupillus) - Cleanup Crew
    On Sale 15%

    (10) Pack Black Margarita Snail (Margarites pupillus) - Cleanup Crew

    Clean Up Crews

    Black Margarita snails can make an excellent addition to your saltwater tank.  They are a great snail for consuming massive amounts of algae and can self-right if they fall off a rock or are knocked over. Clean Up Crews only Ship on Monday -...
  • On Sale 15%
    Sand Sifting Strawberry Conch - Chicago Clean up Crew
    On Sale 15%

    Sand Sifting Strawberry Conch - Chicago Clean up Crew

    Clean Up Crews

    Average 2"+ in size.   The strawberry conch, also known as the tiger conch, is a large, peaceful, and hardy snail that is a good addition to a saltwater aquarium:      Appearance Strawberry conchs...