
ORA Acropora

  • On Sale 15%
    Aquacultured Marshall Island  Purple & Green Acro Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA
    On Sale 15%

    Aquacultured Marshall Island Purple & Green Acro Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA


    Marshall Island Purple & Green Acro is a spectacular piece for the home aquarium. In the age of intense actinic lighting, this is a piece that shows off as a centerpiece coral. It has a thick green base and compact branches with bright purple growth...
  • On Sale 15%
    Aquacultured Pink & Green Marshall Island Acropora Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA
    On Sale 15%

    Aquacultured Pink & Green Marshall Island Acropora Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA


    A dramatic branching Acropora that combines two bright colors into one stunning centerpiece. Brilliant pink corallites cluster over rich green branches creating a beautiful bushy colony. High intensity lighting metal halide or LED lighting will bring out...
  • On Sale 15%
    Aquacultured Hawkin's Blue Echinata Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA
    On Sale 15%

    Aquacultured Hawkin's Blue Echinata Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA


    Hawkins Echinata is a very delicate short branching coral that exhibits a turquoise to aquamarine coloration. The tips of the ORA Hawkins turn ultraviolet in color when under intense lighting. The absence of a protective slime coat on this coral’s...
  • On Sale 15%
    Aquacultured Joe The Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA
    On Sale 15%

    Aquacultured Joe The Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA


    Joe the Coral is a slender branching staghorn coral with a bright green base and glowing blue growth tips. Similar to Blue Voodoo, it differs by having a more random growth pattern, less polyp extension and a more brilliant green base coloration...
  • On Sale 15%
    Aquacultured Miami Orchid Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA
    On Sale 15%

    Aquacultured Miami Orchid Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA


    Miami Orchid is a branching staghorn coral with a brown and tan base and stunning magenta branch tips. One of the classic eye-catching ORA corals, the subtle beauty of the ORA Miami Orchid makes it still one of our favorites. Placement: Middle –...
  • On Sale 15%
    Aquacultured Scorchin’ Torch Acro Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA
    On Sale 15%

    Aquacultured Scorchin’ Torch Acro Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA


    The ORA Scorchin’ Torch Acro has a remarkably bright pinkish red coloration and an incredibly unique growth structure of smooth, thin branches. Once the lights dim to full actinic it becomes a jaw dropping array of dazzling golden polyps like a...
  • On Sale 15%
    Aquacultured Imperial Stag Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA
    On Sale 15%

    Aquacultured Imperial Stag Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA


    This is a fast growing staghorn like coral that originated from the reefs around the Marshall Islands. Gorgeous elongated corallites turn to vibrant purple and contrast with the metallic green base colors. It appreciates good water flow and high light...
  • On Sale 15%
    Aquacultured Stuber Acropora Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA
    On Sale 15%

    Aquacultured Stuber Acropora Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA


    The Stuber Stag sold produced at ORA is a direct descendent of the famous Stuber colony, one of the first corals to ever be kept in captivity and one of the oldest ORA corals available. It is a long branching coral with a chocolate brown base and baby...
  • On Sale 15%
    Aquacultured Plum Crazy Acropora Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA
    On Sale 15%

    Aquacultured Plum Crazy Acropora Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA


    Plum Crazy is a deep purple or plum colored Acropora with relatively short branches. Colonies grow in pillow-like or corymbose form. When growing under intense lighting, new growth is a dazzling light purple and corallites appear to be highlighted with a...
  • On Sale 15%
    Aquacultured Juicy Grape Acropora Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA
    On Sale 15%

    Aquacultured Juicy Grape Acropora Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA


    With high flow, its thick violet branches grow close together, each punctuated by a vibrant green corallite. As it grows outward, bright green polyps become more visible to create a two-toned color explosion that looks its best when viewed from the top...
  • On Sale 15%
    Aquacultured Turquoise Acropora Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA
    On Sale 15%

    Aquacultured Turquoise Acropora Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA


    The ORA Turquoise Stag is a beautiful branching Acropora that grows into spectacular open colonies. Under intense lighting it exhibits a beautiful bright turquoise coloration. The branches are thick with cupping corallites and light blue colored polyps...
  • On Sale 15%
    Aquacultured Scripp's Green Tip Acropora (Acropora sp.) - ORA
    On Sale 15%

    Aquacultured Scripp's Green Tip Acropora (Acropora sp.) - ORA


    Scripps Green Tip Staghorn coral is a branching variety of Acropora having a greenish tan background with bright green polyps.  This fast growing coral can grow into an impressively large colony in short order. Placement: All Levels Lighting:...
  • On Sale 15%
    Aquacultured Purple Jade Bonsai Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA
    On Sale 15%

    Aquacultured Purple Jade Bonsai Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA


    An eye-catching coral Acropora species that makes a strong visual impression in the home aquarium. Under warmer lighting spectrums, this coral’s shockingly bright green polyps and purple tipped branches look fantastic. Adding strong actinic...
  • On Sale 15%
    Aquacultured Verde Acropora Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA
    On Sale 15%

    Aquacultured Verde Acropora Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA


    The ORA Verde grows in compact, bushy colonies. This coral’s tissue is a beautiful Sargassum green color and it’s polyps are bright neon green. New growth appears pinkish when this coral is growing under intense lighting. Similar in growth to...
  • On Sale 15%
    Aquacultured Laura's Purple Polyp Acropora Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA
    On Sale 15%

    Aquacultured Laura's Purple Polyp Acropora Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA


    Laura’s Purple Polyp is a compact branching coral that displays a beautiful emerald green base coloration. However, the real highlight of this piece is the teal tipped branches and bright purple polyps. We purchased this coral in 2011 as an...
  • On Sale 15%
    Aquacultured Tri-Color Valida Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA
    On Sale 15%

    Aquacultured Tri-Color Valida Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA


    The ORA Tri-Color Valida is a beautiful coral that is primarily purple in color.  As the Tri-Color name points out it also has green polyps and a green or brown base.  ORA has several slightly different Valida variants in cultivation. While all...
  • On Sale 15%
    Aquacultured Meteor Shower Cyphastrea Coral (Cyphastrea sp.) - ORA
    On Sale 15%

    Aquacultured Meteor Shower Cyphastrea Coral (Cyphastrea sp.) - ORA


    Like something from an alien world, this unusual coral has a variety of stunning features unlike any other stony coral. Enormous round red polyps pepper the bright blue base. This is a very fast-growing encrusting coral that does well even in low...
  • On Sale 15%
    Aquacultured Frogskin Acropora Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA
    On Sale 15%

    Aquacultured Frogskin Acropora Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA


    The ORA Frogskin Acro is a stocky branched coral having extremely bumpy texture and colors that vary from yellowish to bright green with shades of purple depending on lighting conditions. The corallites are rotund and tubular and some of the polyps have...
  • On Sale 15%
    Aquacultured Assorted Green Acropora Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA
    On Sale 15%

    Aquacultured Assorted Green Acropora Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA


    From the waters of Micronesia, discover an attractive assortment of new and unusual Acropora species. These mystery Acros develop a spectrum of green among their variety of different branch types. Each piece could be a hidden gem that develops into...
  • On Sale 15%
    Aquacultured Indo Purple Tip Acropora Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA
    On Sale 15%

    Aquacultured Indo Purple Tip Acropora Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA


    Indo Stag is a long branching coral with a deep purple base and contrasting bright blue growth tips. The base of the ORA Indo Stag is thick and the branches ends in a sharp point. Placement: All Levels Lighting: Medium – High Flow: Moderate...
  • On Sale 15%
    Aquacultured Green Marshall Island Gem Acropora Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA
    On Sale 15%

    Aquacultured Green Marshall Island Gem Acropora Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA


    The MIMF Gem arrives as a pastel lavender colored coral, but soon develops rich greens with deep purple highlights under high actinic lighting. This piece will grow stocky branches with narrow tips and long colored corallites. In reef tanks with higher...
  • On Sale 15%
    Aquacultured Marshall Island Purple Tip Nana Acropora (Acropora sp.) - ORA
    On Sale 15%

    Aquacultured Marshall Island Purple Tip Nana Acropora (Acropora sp.) - ORA


    The ORA Acropora nana is similar in coloration to A. valida, but has thinner, more delicate branches. It has a dark tan base with bright purple tips and cream colored polyps. We originally acquired this coral from the home aquarium of one...
  • On Sale 15%
    Aquacultured Aussie Orchid Berry (Acropora sp.) - ORA
    On Sale 15%

    Aquacultured Aussie Orchid Berry (Acropora sp.) - ORA


    Originally from the vibrantly colored reefs of Australia, this beautiful Acropora grows outward with branches of teal green tipped with soft pink. Gorgeous under the warmer spectrums of our sunlit greenhouse, in the home aquarium more intense colors will...
  • On Sale 15%
    On Sale 15%

    Aquacultured Marshall Island Pink Blush Acropora Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA


    Glowing within the magenta spectrum, this uniquely colored coral forms distinctive branches tinted in bright shades of pink and purple. This Acropora thrives in high energy reef environments with other light loving species, but stands out due...
  • On Sale 15%
    Aquacultured Purple Nana Acropora Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA
    On Sale 15%

    Aquacultured Purple Nana Acropora Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA


    The ORA Acropora nana is similar in coloration to A. valida, but has thinner, more delicate branches. It has a dark tan base with bright purple tips and cream colored polyps. We originally acquired this coral from the home aquarium of one...
  • On Sale 15%
    Aquacultured Yellow Fuzzy Acropora Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA
    On Sale 15%

    Aquacultured Yellow Fuzzy Acropora Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA


    The Marshall Island Yellow Fuzzy is a thin branching Acropora that has an overall fluorescent yellow coloration with exceptionally good polyp extension. Placement: Middle – Top Lighting: Medium – High Flow: Moderate –...
  • On Sale 15%
    Aquacultured Australian Delicate Acropora Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA
    On Sale 15%

    Aquacultured Australian Delicate Acropora Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA


    The ORA Australian Delicate is an extremely fine branching coral with neon green polyps on a tan background and lavender branch tips. The smooth, tubular branches and corallites of this coral give it a deepwater coral appearance similar to A...
  • On Sale 15%
    Aquacultured Green Velvet Acropora Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA
    On Sale 15%

    Aquacultured Green Velvet Acropora Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA


    Green Velvet is a stocky, short branched coral with a deep metallic green color. Mature colonies grow to have a thick, stout body and irregular, odd branches. The corallites tend to be long and tubular and the polyps remain retracted during the daylight...
  • On Sale 15%
    Aquacultured Marshall Island Neon Green Polyp Acro Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA
    On Sale 15%

    Aquacultured Marshall Island Neon Green Polyp Acro Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA


    The most immediately striking feature of this unique Acropora is its intensely vivid green polyps. This coral develops long bushy branches of corallites and numerous glowing polyps. With a rusty reddish body and soft purple tips, this coral really shines...
  • On Sale 15%
    Aquacultured Purple Plasma Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA
    On Sale 15%

    Aquacultured Purple Plasma Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA


    The ORA Purple Plasma is a thin branching Acropora with staghorn coral shape.   It has a dramatic purple background color and contrasting green or yellow corallites and polyps. The polyps are always well-extended and new growth appears white to...