
ORA Blennies

  • On Sale 15%
    Captive-Bred Striped Blenny (Meiacanthus grammistes) - ORA
    On Sale 15%

    Captive-Bred Striped Blenny (Meiacanthus grammistes) - ORA


    Meiacanthus grammistes is a Fang Blenny species that ranges in the Western Pacific from Indochina to Papua New Guinea, north to the Ryukyu Islands and south to Australia.  They have a yellow head and alternating black and white stripes that end...
  • On Sale 15%
    Captive-Bred Kamohara Blenny (Meiacanthus kamoharai) - ORA
    On Sale 15%

    Captive-Bred Kamohara Blenny (Meiacanthus kamoharai) - ORA


    The ORA Kamohara Blenny (Meiacanthus kamoharai) is found in the shallow waters off the subtropical, southern coasts of Japan. As juveniles, their black bodies are scribbled with intricate patterns of white and electric blue lines. As they mature,...
  • On Sale 15%
    Captive-Bred Harptail Blenny (Meiacanthus mossambicus) - ORA
    On Sale 15%

    Captive-Bred Harptail Blenny (Meiacanthus mossambicus) - ORA


    Meiacanthus mossambicus is a species ranging from the Western Indian Ocean to Africa. The Harptail Blenny has a golden-green body, and shows green above the eye. The yellow caudal fin has two long streamers in the classic fork tail shape. Harptail...