Captive-Bred Lemon Damselfish (Pomacentrus moluccensis) - ORA
ORA$14.99This hardy, mild-mannered Damselfish is a great candidate for nearly any reef aquarium. Lacking most of the obnoxious personality of other Damsel species, these fish get along with others in a variety of aquatic settings. Staying quite small, our... -
Small (0.5" - 0.75") Captive-Bred Blue Mandarin (Synchiropus splendidus) - ORA
ORA$72.99In a significant advancement in Marine Ornamental Aquaculture, ORA recently introduced captive bred Mandarin Dragonets, also known as Mandarin Gobies, to the commercial aquarium market. Mandarins are exquisitely beautiful and highly desired by aquarists,... -
Captive-Bred Chalk Bass (Serranus tortugarum) - ORA
ORA$39.99Vastly underappreciated in the home aquarium, this little fish from the tropical Atlantic is an absolute delight. Perfectly sized and with a peaceful disposition to tankmates, the ORA Chalk Bass will do well alone but prefer to be in groups, its helpful... -
Captive-Bred Azure Damselfish (Chrysiptera hemicyanea) - ORA
ORA$19.99The ORA® Captive-Bred Azure Damselfish, also known as the Half-blue Damselfish, is a two-tone, darting marine fish. The front portion of the body is bright blue. The posterior portion, anal fin, and tail are yellow. There is a species variation in... -
Captive-Bred Brazilian Royal Gramma (Gramma brasiliensis) - ORA
ORA$94.99This exceptionally rare Gramma species from Brazil differs from its common Caribbean relative with a visibly larger mouth and slightly smaller size, around 2.6 inches. Its vibrant coloration fade from violet to yellow is noticeably more gradual. It is no... -
Captive-Bred Regal Damselfish (Neopomacentrus cyanomos) - ORA
ORA$16.99Fun, active and gentle, this damselfish species showcases a subtle beauty and a kinder demeanor than its cousins. With an olive-green body punctuated with bright yellow on its pointed fins and tail, you can enjoy these fish in groups in the home aquarium... -
Captive-Bred Pink Smith Damselfish (Pomacentrus smithii) - ORA
ORA$11.99A delightful little damselfish species that does well in loose groups of 3 or more. These fish are not particularly aggressive and make fine companions for the fish only or reef tank. With a soft, silvery pink body, these fish develop an attractive blush... -
Captive-Bred Red Mandarin (Synchiropus splendidus) - ORA
ORA$72.99The Red Mandarin is a rare variation of the Blue Mandarin that differs by having a brilliant red body and almost entirely red pelvic and pectoral fins. It is a member of the family Callionymidae that grows to a maximum length of 4”. They originate... -
Captive-Bred Randalls Assessor 1.25” – 1.5” (Assessor randalli) - ORA
ORA$119.99Randall’s Assessors are the little known third member of the Assessor genus. These beautiful, peaceful fish prefer calm, community aquariums with large amounts of rock work and overhangs. Like... -
Captive-Bred Yellow Assessor 1.25” – 1.5” (Assessor flavissimus) - ORA
ORA$119.99Yellow Assesors are not a member of the Dottyback family, but are similar to them in many ways. The Yellow Assesor is native to Australia and is a member of the Plesiopidae (Longfins) family that includes the Marine Betta (Comet). They are not nearly as... -
Aquacultured Nebula Picasso Coral (Amphiprion percula) - ORA
ORA$95.99Over the years of raising thousands of Amphiprion percula and countless generations with a variety of complex patterns, we started collecting the spontaneous few specimens that displayed a blurred or smudged appearance to their aberrant markings. Around... -
Captive-Bred Orange Spotted Rabbitfish (Siganus guttatus)- ORA
ORA$72.99Orange Spotted Rabbitfish are an exciting addition to the home aquarium, with an amazing ability to rapidly change color and an insatiable appetite for eating nuisance algae. These are one of the fastest growing species we work with in aquaculture, but... -
Captive-Bred Coral Beauty Angelfish (Centropyge bispinosa) - ORA
ORA$118.99This little hobbyist favorite has been captivating hearts since the beginning. The ORA Coral Beauty is a captive bred example of the high orange color variant. This variety has a glowing orange body with deep purple margins. Electric blue outlines the...