Organic/Inorganic Phosphorus Compounds for Reef Aquariums
Accelerate Bioavailability of trace element Supplements
Helps creating Nutrient levels according to TRITON RATIO
STN-X is a slow tissue necrosis inhibitor.
Derived through TRITON’s unique scientific work in N-DOC lab testing and establishing the TRITON N-C-P Ratio. STN-X is a slow tissue necrosis inhibitor...
Derived through TRITON’s unique scientific work in N-DOC lab testing and establishing the TRITON N:C:P Ratio. CYA-NO is a cyanobacteria inhibitor which aids against the most common forms of...
RTN-X is a rapid tissue necrosis inhibitor.
Derived through TRITON’s unique scientific work in N-DOC lab testing and establishing the TRITON N-C-P Ratio. RTN-X is a rapid tissue necrosis inhibitor...