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Pods Apocalypse 6000+ (32 oz) Live Copepods (Apocyclops Panamensis) - Algae Barn


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Pods Apocalypse 6000+ (32 oz) Live Copepods (Apocyclops Panamensis) - Algae Barn
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Each 16oz portion of Apocalypse Pods contains 3000+ LIVE Apocyclops Copepods ranging from nauplii to adult sizes. Apocalypse Pods are great for seeding new tanks and refugiums, boosting existing populations, or feeding finicky fish & inverts such as Mandarins, Seahorses, Anthias, Wrasses, SPS, LPS & NPS Corals, Clams, and most other filter-feeding inverts. Our pods are 100% viable to reproduce in marine aquaria. We recommend using with our high quality OceanMagik LIVE Phytoplankton Blend to establish and maintain the healthiest copepod populations.

Shipping: Live Foods Ship on Select Days & Have a 100% Arrive Alive Guarantee

Apocyclops panamensis

These hardy copepods are slightly larger than Tisbe pods and slightly smaller than Tigriopus copepods. This intermediate size makes them a healthy live snack for your finicky fish and coral. Apocyclops copepods are extremely nutritious with a very high amino acid and protein content. Apocyclops copepods contain high amounts of Astaxanthin which can enhance and brighten the colors of your fish and coral. These warm water copepods reproduce extremely quickly by laying eggs every 4-6 days, about twice the rate of Tisbe and Tigriopus! Apocyclops copepods feed on phytoplankton, fish waste, and other detritus in your tank making them a critical part of any clean-up crew.

As juveniles, Apocyclops copepods are benthic meaning they stay hidden in the rock work, macro algae, and glass in your aquarium. As Apocyclops copepods mature into adults they lay eggs before becoming pelagic and making their way into the water column where they provide a sustainable and nutritious live food source for your fish and corals. The natural life cycle of the Apocyclops copepod makes them an ideal aquarium candidate and we are very excited to bring this new species into your tank!

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