Bashsea's Pro Series Sumps are packed with premium features that are normally considered custom by other sumps in the industry. Pair that with our bold look, pure build quality & strength, and fully adjustable & versatile design. Bashsea Pro Series sump a versatile sump to work with any filter roller available (ReefMat, Clarisea SK 3000& SK 5000.) Each chamber has an adjustable height baffle. A oversized return pump chamber that can fit multiple return pumps or a return pump and media reactors.
- Sump Dimensions: 48" x 18" x 16"
- The Pro 48 has three 1" inch drains
- The first section with the drains and where you would put the rollermat if one is being used is 13" x 17 1/2"
- The second section is 13" x 17 1/2"
- The third open section is 11 1/2" x 17 1/2"
- The pump area is 7 1/2" x 17 1/2"
Features Includes:
- Every sump section has a slide for water level control
- Multiple dosing and cord control ports all built-in to the sump trim
- Probe holder and dosing holder also installed inside of all pro series sumps
*ReefMat Not Included.