
San Francisco Bay Brand

FOOLPROOF Fish Food From San Francisco Bay Brand - Aquashella Daytona 2023

Join us at Aquashella Daytona as we meet with Drew from San Francisco Bay Brand and get a sneak peek at some new products becoming available shortly! We'll talk about their new, easy feeding tool for picky eaters, Nibble Bits as well as their refillable pellet dispenser, the perfect solution for teaching the proper way to feed.

  • Frozen Mysis Shrimp Fish Food (30 cubes, 3.5 oz) - San Francisco Bay Brand

    Frozen Mysis Shrimp Fish Food (30 cubes, 3.5 oz) - San Francisco Bay Brand

    San Francisco Bay Brand

    Scientific name: Neomysis japonica Excellent for Finicky Fish Mysis Shrimp are excellent for finicky eaters and one of the few frozen foods that seahorses will eat with no problems. They provide essential nutrients that help maintain high...
  • Frozen Cyclops Fish Food (30 cubes, 3.5 oz) - San Francisco Bay Brand

    Frozen Cyclops Fish Food (30 cubes, 3.5 oz) - San Francisco Bay Brand

    San Francisco Bay Brand

    Scientific name: Cyclops vicinus High in Protein Cyclops feed fish, invertebrates and corals simultaneously. They stimulate appetite, promote proper growth, resistance to stress, and a long healthy life. Cyclops provide essential nutrients...
  • Frozen Bloodworms Fish Food (30 cubes, 3.5 oz) - San Francisco Bay Brand

    Frozen Bloodworms Fish Food (30 cubes, 3.5 oz) - San Francisco Bay Brand

    San Francisco Bay Brand

    Scientific name: Chironomus plumosus A Favorite For Freshwater Fish Your discus, eels, bettas, loaches and other community freshwater fish will thrive on this primary food choice. Our bloodworms are collected and packaged daily, so they retain...
  • Frozen Marine Cuisine Fish Food (30 cubes, 3.5 oz) - San Francisco Bay Brand

    Frozen Marine Cuisine Fish Food (30 cubes, 3.5 oz) - San Francisco Bay Brand

    San Francisco Bay Brand

    A Nutritious Carnivorous Formula For All Saltwater Carnivores Marine Cuisine™ is a specially formulated diet for omnivorous and carnivorous marine fish. It is a blend of brine shrimp, natural seafood ingredients, color enhancers and vitamins...
  • Frozen Mysis Shrimp Fish Food (32 cubes, 3.5 oz) - NuAqua

    Frozen Mysis Shrimp Fish Food (32 cubes, 3.5 oz) - NuAqua


    Naturally nutritious frozen fish food. Good starter food for picky eaters. Carefully cleaned to assure product quality and food safety. Quickly frozen to assure the mysis shrimp stay whole and nutritious. Our Mysis Shrimp are premium...
  • Frozen Bloodworms  Fish Food (32 cubes, 3.5 oz) - NuAqua

    Frozen Bloodworms Fish Food (32 cubes, 3.5 oz) - NuAqua


    Scientific name: Chironomus plumosus A Favorite For Freshwater Fish, and other aquatic pets Your discus, eels, bettas, loaches and other community freshwater fish will thrive on this primary food choice. Our bloodworms are collected and...
  • Frozen Brine Shrimp Fish Food (32 cubes, 3.5 oz) - NuAqua

    Frozen Brine Shrimp Fish Food (32 cubes, 3.5 oz) - NuAqua


    Fish Food – Frozen Brine Shrimp Brine Shrimp Scientific name: Artemia sp. The Original Frozen Fish Food! Have a finicky eater? It will be love at first bite! Frozen Brine Shrimp are readily recognized as a prey by all fish and...