
Coral Placement

CORAL PLACEMENT For Growth And Long-Term Health - Hilary Jaffe

In this episode, Hilary shares what you should consider when placing corals in your tank. Join us as we discuss how lighting, flow, and your coral's aggression level play a part in tank placement, and learn how we track all three before we place our corals in the tank.

  • Neon Green Star Polyp Coral - SAQ Coral Farm

    Neon Green Star Polyp Coral - SAQ Coral Farm

    Saltwater Coral Farm

    On average 3/4" - 1" in size.  If you are looking to start buying coral online to add to your aquarium, this is the best soft coral. Neon Green Star Polyps or GSP coral is a great beginner coral. It has bright neon green star shaped polyps. This...
  • On Sale 66%
    Blue Xenia Coral - SAQ Coral Farm
    On Sale 66%

    Blue Xenia Coral - SAQ Coral Farm

    Saltwater Coral Farm

    On average 3/4" - 1" in size.  If you are looking to start buying coral online to add to your aquarium, this is the best soft coral. Blue Xenia Coral is fast growing. It will encrust quickly and create a beautiful scene of movement to your fish...
  • Aquacultured Marshall Island Goniopora Coral (Goniopora sp.) - ORA

    Aquacultured Marshall Island Goniopora Coral (Goniopora sp.) - ORA


    MIMF Goniopora is one of the hardiest varieties of Goniopora or Flower Pot corals available making it suitable for aquaculture and life in aquariums. This strain of Goniopora does not exhibit the tissue erosion problems seen...
  • Aquacultured Green Planet Acropora Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA

    Aquacultured Green Planet Acropora Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA


    The ORA Green Planet is an intensely colored, tabling Acropora that exhibits very similar morphology to the ORA Red Planet. It has fluorescent green tips with a dark green base and polyps.  New growth is nearly white in coloration, adding to...
  • Ultra Red Goniopora Coral (3/4" - 1") - SAQ Coral Farm

    Ultra Red Goniopora Coral (3/4" - 1") - SAQ Coral Farm

    Saltwater Coral Farm

    On average 3/4" - 1" in size.  If you are looking to start buying coral online, to add to your aquarium, this is a great Large Polyp Stoney coral. Ultra red Goniopora coral has bright red flower shaped tentacles with pink tips. A great LPS coral...
  • Aquacultured Confusa Montipora Coral (Montipora sp.) - ORA

    Aquacultured Confusa Montipora Coral (Montipora sp.) - ORA


    The ORA Confusa is a horizontal plating Montipora with very pronounced ridges covering its undulating surface. The overall green coloration is interrupted between the ridges by small brown polyps while the plate edge and new growth are intense...
  • Aquacultured Assorted Green Acropora Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA

    Aquacultured Assorted Green Acropora Coral (Acropora sp.) - ORA


    From the waters of Micronesia, discover an attractive assortment of new and unusual Acropora species. These mystery Acros develop a spectrum of green among their variety of different branch types. Each piece could be a hidden gem that develops into...
  • ACI Cultured Red Montipora Capricorn (3/4" - 1") - SAQ Coral Farm

    ACI Cultured Red Montipora Capricorn (3/4" - 1") - SAQ Coral Farm

    Saltwater Coral Farm

    Coral pictured is very close to WYSIWYG. If you are looking to start buying coral online, to add to your aquarium, this is a great beginner Small Polyp Stoney coral. ACI Red Montipora Capricorn coral has a red orange plating structure with red extending...