Emerald Crab (Mithraculus sculptus) - Clean up Crew
Clean Up Crews$12.00Mithraculus sculptus is a small crab with a carapace longer than it is wide and large chelae (claws). The carapace is flat, shiny and green, finely sculpted, with whitish material adhering to the projections. The chelae are also... -
225 Micron Felt Filter Sock - Red Sea
Red Sea$10.99High quality, reusable aquarium filter bags providing different levels of mechanical filtration. These 10.5″/26cm long filter bags for Red Sea’s REEFER and MAX-S aquariums will also fit any standard 4″/10cm filter bag holder. Red... -
Filter Sock 100 Micron Welded (4" x 12") - Seachem
Seachem$6.87Filter socks are a critical component in maintaining water quality in aquariums. They remove suspended debris and detritus, which often lead to excess dissolved organics, nitrate, and phosphate when left unchecked. This makes Seachem Filter Socks an... -
7" x 16" 100 Micron Polyester Filter Sock w/ Ring
All Misc Brands$6.95Filter socks are used as a effective first stage of an aquariums filtration process and should be placed so that water coming from the tank filters into the filter sock first removing uneaten food, detritus, organic waste, dust and other small... -
Rectangle Filter Sock 7" 300 Micron (3 Pack) - Eshopps
Eshopps$43.98Micron filter bags provide excellent mechanical filtration, which helps reduce the amount of ammonia-producing organic matter in your aquarium. They also help prevent larger objects such as sand, crabs, and snails from damaging pump motors. Add these... -
Pitho Crab- Chicago Clean up Crew
Clean Up Crews$8.99The Pithos crab is a small crab species with a bulbous body and cupped claws that is native to the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and Atlantic: Appearance Pithos crabs have a molted brown, tan, or... -
Sand Sifting Strawberry Conch - Chicago Clean up Crew
Clean Up Crews$34.99Average 2"+ in size. The strawberry conch, also known as the tiger conch, is a large, peaceful, and hardy snail that is a good addition to a saltwater aquarium: Appearance Strawberry conchs... -
Sexy Shrimp (Thor amboinensis) - Chicago Clean up Crew
Clean Up Crews$18.99The sexy shrimp, also known as Thor amboinensis, is a small shrimp with a distinctive appearance and unusual movements: Size: Sexy shrimp are small, growing to about 1.5–13... -
Fluval Sea PS2 Mini Protein Skimmer (up to 20 Gallons) - Fluval
Fluval$66.99Compact, yet powerful, the Fluval Mini Protein Skimmer helps to remove dissolved organic compounds and other harmful substances from your aquarium before they have a chance to break down into dangerous nitrogenous waste, which can be harmful to aquarium... -
Electric Blue Hermit Crab (Calcinus elegans) - Chicago Clean up Crew
Clean Up Crews$19.99The electric blue hermit crab (Calcinus elegans) is a rare, tropical crab with striking blue and orange colors: Appearance The electric blue hermit crab has bright blue legs with black... -
Black Long Spine Sea Urchin - Chicago Clean up Crew
Clean Up Crews$34.99The long-spined sea urchin, also known as the black sea urchin, is a marine invertebrate with a hard shell, long spines, and a vital role in reef ecosystems: Appearance The... -
Horseshoe Crab (Stenorhynchus seticornis) - Chicago Clean up Crew
Clean Up Crews$14.99Average size of 2" - 5"+ Horseshoe crabs are unique-looking arthropods with a hard exoskeleton, a long tail, and a horseshoe-shaped body: Appearance Horseshoe crabs have a dark brown or olive... -
Pom Pom Crab - Chicago Clean up Crew
Clean Up Crews$24.99Pom pom crabs are small, brightly colored crabs that are known for carrying anemones in their claws: Size: Pom pom crabs are about 0.5-1 inch wide on average... -
Small Captive-Bred Aiptasia Eating Filefish (Acreichthys tomentosus) - ORA
ORA$59.99One of the best options for clearing an aquarium of invasive Aiptasia or Glass Anemones is the ORA Aiptasia-Eating Filefish (also known as the Matted Leatherjacket or Bristletail Filefish.) In the wild, the Aiptasia-Eating Filefish... -
Coral Banded Shrimp (Stenopus hispidus) - Chicago Clean up Crew
Clean Up Crews$29.99The coral banded shrimp (Stenopus hispidus) is a saltwater shrimp with a striking red and white color pattern, long antennae, and a prickly body texture: Size: Can grow up to 2.4 inches... -
Chocolate Chip Starfish - Chicago Clean up Crew
Clean Up Crews$17.99*WARNING CHOCOLATE CHIP STARFISH ARE NOT REEF SAFE* The chocolate chip starfish is a sea star with a number of distinctive features, including: Appearance Chocolate chip starfish are named... -
Arrow Crab (Stenorhynchus seticornis) - Chicago Clean up Crew
Clean Up Crews$18.99Appearance Arrow crabs have a medium golden brown body with stripes of brown, black, yellow, or gold. They have 10 legs, eight for walking and two pincers, and their legs can be more than three times the length of their body. Their... -
On Sale 20%On Sale 20%
Quantum 120 Skimmer (up to 125 Gallons) - NYOS Aquatics
NYOS$339.99$271.99The NYOS® Quantum® 120 is an efficient and silent high performance skimmer for tanks up to 500 litres (125 gal). Pump: Quantum® 1.0Air max... -
Harlequin Shrimp - Chicago Clean up Crew
Clean Up Crews$64.99Harlequin shrimp are popular with aquarists, but they require a specialized diet and special care: Diet They need a steady supply of live starfish, such as Asterias rubens for adults and... -
Reefer RSK-900 Protein Skimmer - Red Sea
Red Sea$579.00Designed with hobbyists needs in mind the highly effective flow dynamics of the REEFER™ Skimmer will maintain an optimal ORP (REDOX) level of over 350mv, a level that is normally associated with ozone treatment. RSK - 900 Footprint - 11... -
Captive-Bred Brazilian Royal Gramma (Gramma brasiliensis) - ORA
ORA$94.99This exceptionally rare Gramma species from Brazil differs from its common Caribbean relative with a visibly larger mouth and slightly smaller size, around 2.6 inches. Its vibrant coloration fade from violet to yellow is noticeably more gradual. It is no... -
Captive-Bred Whitespotted Pygmy Filefish (Rudarius ercodes) - ORA
ORA$74.99Naturally found in seagrass beds off the coast of Japan, the ORA Whitespotted Pygmy Filefish is a diminutive addition to the peaceful marine aquarium. Growing only 3” long from their pouty colored lips to its paddle-like tail, this speckled fish...