
Utilitarian Fish

TOP 10 Utilitarian FISH For Your Tank - Hilary Jaffe

In this episode, Hilary shares her top 10 utilitarian fish to keep in your tank. Join us as we learn how these fish keep algae and pests under control, and find out which fish made the list and why!

  • Lawnmower Blenny

    Lawnmower Blenny (Salarias Fasciatus) - SAQ Chicago Fish

    Live Fish

    Lawnmower Blenny  2" - 3" in size. Lawnmower Blenny or Salarias Fasciatus is also know as the algae eating blenny. This fish will eat algae in your tank and have a big personality. *Photo is a representation of the fish you will receive...
  • Foxface Rabbitfish

    Foxface Rabbitfish (Siganus Vulpinus) - SAQ Chicago Fish

    Live Fish

    Foxface Rabbitfish 2.5" - 4.5" in size. Foxface Rabbitfish or Siganus Vulpinus have a striking yellow body and white face with black striping. This Foxface Rabbitfish has venomous spines on its back. *PLEASE HANDLE WITH CARE!*  *Photo is a...
  • Yellow Coris Wrasse (Halichoeres chrysus) - SAQ Chicago Fish

    Yellow Coris Wrasse (Halichoeres chrysus) - SAQ Chicago Fish

    Live Fish

    Yellow Coris Wrasse 3" - 4" in size. Yellow Coris Wrasse or Halichoeres chrysus is also known as the Golden Rainbowfish, Golden Wrasse, Yellow Coris, or Canary Wrasse.  *Photo is a representation of the fish you will receive.  
  • Chocolate Tang (Acanthurus pyroferus) - SAQ Chicago Fish

    Chocolate Tang (Acanthurus pyroferus) - SAQ Chicago Fish

    Live Fish

    Chocolates Tang 2.25" - 3.5" in size. Chocolate Tang or Acanthurus pyroferus is also known as the mimic surgeonfish, orange-gilled surgeonfish, Pacific mimic surgeon, and yellowspot surgeon. As juveniles this fish is completely yellow with...
  • Scopas Tang (Zebrasoma scopas) - SAQ Chicago Fish

    Scopas Tang (Zebrasoma scopas) - SAQ Chicago Fish

    Live Fish

    Scopas Tang  2.25" - 3.5" in size. Scopas Tang or Zebrasoma scopas is also known as the brown tang.  *Photo is a representation of the fish you will receive.  
  • Convict Tang (Acanthurus triostegus) - SAQ Chicago Fish

    Convict Tang (Acanthurus triostegus) - SAQ Chicago Fish

    Live Fish

    Convict Tang 2.25" - 3.25" in size. Convict tang or Acanthurus triostegus is also known as the convict surgeonfish, convict surgeon, or fiveband surgeonfish. *Photo is a representation of the fish you will receive.