Captive-Bred Yellow Watchman Goby (Cryptocentrus cinctus) - ORA
ORA$29.99Yellow Watchman Gobies are fascinating reef fish. The Watchman name comes from their symbiotic relationship with pistol shrimp. The gobies are the lookouts and the shrimp are the burrow diggers/keepers. While the shrimp is digging it keeps one antenna on... -
Lawnmower Blenny (Salarias Fasciatus) - SAQ Chicago Fish
Live Fish$21.99Lawnmower Blenny 2" - 3" in size. Lawnmower Blenny or Salarias Fasciatus is also know as the algae eating blenny. This fish will eat algae in your tank and have a big personality. *Photo is a representation of the fish you will receive... -
Small Captive-Bred Aiptasia Eating Filefish (Acreichthys tomentosus) - ORA
ORA$59.99One of the best options for clearing an aquarium of invasive Aiptasia or Glass Anemones is the ORA Aiptasia-Eating Filefish (also known as the Matted Leatherjacket or Bristletail Filefish.) In the wild, the Aiptasia-Eating Filefish... -
Foxface Rabbitfish (Siganus Vulpinus) - SAQ Chicago Fish
Live Fish$87.99Foxface Rabbitfish 2.5" - 4.5" in size. Foxface Rabbitfish or Siganus Vulpinus have a striking yellow body and white face with black striping. This Foxface Rabbitfish has venomous spines on its back. *PLEASE HANDLE WITH CARE!* *Photo is a... -
Yellow Coris Wrasse (Halichoeres chrysus) - SAQ Chicago Fish
Live Fish$39.99Yellow Coris Wrasse 3" - 4" in size. Yellow Coris Wrasse or Halichoeres chrysus is also known as the Golden Rainbowfish, Golden Wrasse, Yellow Coris, or Canary Wrasse. *Photo is a representation of the fish you will receive. -
Chocolate Tang (Acanthurus pyroferus) - SAQ Chicago Fish
Live Fish$84.99Chocolates Tang 2.25" - 3.5" in size. Chocolate Tang or Acanthurus pyroferus is also known as the mimic surgeonfish, orange-gilled surgeonfish, Pacific mimic surgeon, and yellowspot surgeon. As juveniles this fish is completely yellow with... -
Scopas Tang (Zebrasoma scopas) - SAQ Chicago Fish
Live Fish$64.99Scopas Tang 2.25" - 3.5" in size. Scopas Tang or Zebrasoma scopas is also known as the brown tang. *Photo is a representation of the fish you will receive. -
Convict Tang (Acanthurus triostegus) - SAQ Chicago Fish
Live Fish$59.99Convict Tang 2.25" - 3.25" in size. Convict tang or Acanthurus triostegus is also known as the convict surgeonfish, convict surgeon, or fiveband surgeonfish. *Photo is a representation of the fish you will receive.