
Fish & Coral Planning

PLANNING Fish & Coral - Hilary's New Red Sea Reefer

Now that the tank has been built and the plumbing installed, it is time to start planning! In this episode, Hilary reviews her plans for livestock, including fish and corals. Join us as she explains how she took her bucket list of corals and fish into consideration when choosing and placing lighting, flow, rocks, and more! We'll also learn how Hilary made her substrate decision and why you should consider temperament in coral placement.

  • Cleaner Shrimp - Clean Up Crew

    Cleaner Shrimp - Clean Up Crew

    Clean Up Crews

    Known by various names, including Pacific cleaner shrimp, scarlet cleaner shrimp, and skunk cleaner shrimp, these shrimp play a vital role in coral reef ecosystems. Their common name is derived from the fact that a large portion of their diet is made up...
  • Arag-Alive Special Grade Reef Sand (20 lb) 1.0 - 2.0 mm - Caribsea

    Arag-Alive Special Grade Reef Sand (20 lb) 1.0 - 2.0 mm - Caribsea


    You can now bring the world’s most exotic reefs into your home with CaribSea’s Arag-Alive!™ substrates. Eight environmentally accurate ecoscapes, developed through CaribSea’s cooperation with public aquariums and zoological parks...
  • Arag-Alive Fiji Pink Reef Sand (20 lb) 0.5 - 1.5 mm - Caribsea

    Arag-Alive Fiji Pink Reef Sand (20 lb) 0.5 - 1.5 mm - Caribsea


    You can now bring the world’s most exotic reefs into your home with CaribSea’s Arag-Alive!™ substrates. Eight environmentally accurate ecoscapes, developed through CaribSea’s cooperation with public aquariums and zoological parks...
  • Large Orange Rock Flower Anemone Coral (3" to 5") - SAQ Coral Farm

    Large Orange Rock Flower Anemone Coral (3" to 5") - SAQ Coral Farm

    Saltwater Coral Farm

    One Rock Flower Anemone Coral 3" to 5" in size. *Photo is a representation of the corals you will receive.  These are not WYSIWYG - Photo is a representation of the corals you will receive. ALL CORALS WILL VARY IN COLOR, SHAPE, SIZE,...
  • Captive-Bred Yellow Watchman Goby (Cryptocentrus cinctus) - ORA

    Captive-Bred Yellow Watchman Goby (Cryptocentrus cinctus) - ORA


    Yellow Watchman Gobies are fascinating reef fish. The Watchman name comes from their symbiotic relationship with pistol shrimp. The gobies are the lookouts and the shrimp are the burrow diggers/keepers. While the shrimp is digging it keeps one antenna on...
  • Large Green Rock Flower Anemone Coral (3" to 5") - SAQ Coral Farm

    Large Green Rock Flower Anemone Coral (3" to 5") - SAQ Coral Farm

    Saltwater Coral Farm

    One Rock Flower Anemone Coral 3" to 5" in size. *Photo is a representation of the corals you will receive.  These are not WYSIWYG - Photo is a representation of the corals you will receive. ALL CORALS WILL VARY IN COLOR, SHAPE, SIZE,...
  • Captive-Bred Picasso (Amphiprion percula) - ORA

    Captive-Bred Picasso (Amphiprion percula) - ORA


    ORA Picassos are a highly sought after variant of the Percula Clownfish.  The Picasso variant occurs naturally in the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea however they are exceptionally rare. ORA’s strain of Picassos originated in 2004...