Captive-Bred Orchid Dottyback (Pseudochromis fridmani) - ORA
ORA$49.99Orchid Dottybacks are found only in the Red Sea. They’re observed in colonies near vertical walls or ledges, where they dart out to grab a meal from the passing zooplankton, then rush back. In the wild they are found at moderate to deep depths, and... -
Captive-Bred Chalk Bass (Serranus tortugarum) - ORA
ORA$39.99Vastly underappreciated in the home aquarium, this little fish from the tropical Atlantic is an absolute delight. Perfectly sized and with a peaceful disposition to tankmates, the ORA Chalk Bass will do well alone but prefer to be in groups, its helpful... -
Captive-Bred Yellow Assessor 1.25” – 1.5” (Assessor flavissimus) - ORA
ORA$119.99Yellow Assesors are not a member of the Dottyback family, but are similar to them in many ways. The Yellow Assesor is native to Australia and is a member of the Plesiopidae (Longfins) family that includes the Marine Betta (Comet). They are not nearly as... -
Captive-Bred Randalls Assessor 1.25” – 1.5” (Assessor randalli) - ORA
ORA$119.99Randall’s Assessors are the little known third member of the Assessor genus. These beautiful, peaceful fish prefer calm, community aquariums with large amounts of rock work and overhangs. Like... -
On Sale 15%On Sale 15%
Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus solorensis) - SAQ Chicago Fish
Live Fish$54.99$46.74Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse 2" - 4" in size. Red Head Solon Fairy Wrasse or Cirrhilabrus solorensis is also know as the Tricolor Fairy Wrasse, Redheaded Fairy Wrasse, or Red-eyed Fairy Wrasse. *Photo is a representation of the... -
Bluehead Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura) - SAQ Chicago Fish
Live Fish$49.99Bluehead Wrasse 3" - 4" in size. Bluehead Fairy Wrasse or Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura also known as Blue Scaled Fairy Wrasse, Yellow Flanked Fairy Wrasse, Purplehead Parrot Wrasse, or the Blue Sided Fairy Wrasse. *Photo is a representation of...