
90-Day Check-In

90 Day CHECK-IN: Water Changes, Coral Feeding, What's Next - Newbie Tank Build

In this episode of our Newbie Tank Build series, we do a 90-day check-in with Jimmy! Join us as we review a few of Jimmy's questions - does he need to feed his corals? Should he do a water change? We'll also explain the importance of documenting changes you make to your tank and Jimmy will share what he's learning from the latest YouTube comments!

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    Life Rock Reef Tree Kit (4 Piece) Shapes - CaribSea
    On Sale 15%

    Life Rock Reef Tree Kit (4 Piece) Shapes - CaribSea


    There is simply no better, no more spectacular way to aquascape your marine or reef aquarium. These open, light shapes not only provide lots of cover and “play area” for fish, but provide nice nooks and shelf areas for inverts too. CaribSea...
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    Dry Aragonite Natural Bottom Coarse Mix Reef Sand (44 lb) - Two Little Fishies

    Two Little Fishies

    Special Reef Sand is a coarse mix of 1-3 mm size aragonite sand sustainably harvested from pristine sites in the Western Pacific and Caribbean. Sterilized then packaged with live BioPronto, naturally occurring beneficial microorganisms that help to...
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    Life Rock MEGA Arch (24") Single Arch - CaribSea


    A Single Long 24" Mega ArchReal aragonitic base rock, not cement, no curing. Extensive macro and micro-porosity infused with spored bacteria for outstanding biological performance. Clean and safe for all fish and inverts, environmentally responsible each...
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    LifeRock Large Arch 18" - Caribsea


    LifeRock™ begins as a sunlit piece of Pleistocene era seafloor thriving with living creatures. Over the next 100 millennia and the retreat of the ocean, this ancient piece of seafloor, now well inland, has formed a pure, aragonite-bearing rock...
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    Live Aragonite Natural Bottom Fine Mix (15 lb) Sand - Two Little Fishies

    Two Little Fishies

    Fine aragonite sand sustainably harvested from pristine sites in the Western Pacific and Caribbean. Sterilized then packaged with live BioPronto, naturally occurring beneficial microorganisms that help to purify water in marine aquariums. Packaged in (15...