
Calcium (CA)

  • (NEW) Calcium (Ca) Ultra Test Kit - Salifert

    (NEW) Calcium (Ca) Ultra Test Kit - Salifert


    Calcium is a major constituent of calcareous algae, skeletal material of hard corals and the skeletal needles of soft/leather corals. Calcium also fulfills many biological functions.Quite often a too low calcium concentration retards coral and calcareous...
  • On Sale 15%
    HI758 Marine Calcium Checker HC (Saltwater) - Hanna Instruments
    On Sale 15%

    HI758 Marine Calcium Checker HC (Saltwater) - Hanna Instruments

    Hanna Instruments

    Extreme Accuracy. Easy to Test in 4 Steps - Zero the Checker, Add a regent to your water sample, Insert the Vile in the Checker, Read the Numbered Results. BOOM EASY. ZAIR. Zero, Add, Insert, Read. Includes reagents for 25x tests. The HI758...
  • Salifert Core Alkalinity Calcium Magnesium Combo Test Kit - Salifert

    Salifert Core Alkalinity Calcium Magnesium Combo Test Kit - Salifert


    Magnesium is present in NSW in a fairly high concentration (1300 - 1400 mg/L). Magnesium is an essential part of chlorophyll, which is necessary for photosynthesis. Without photosynthesis plants, including algae and the corals, which we usually have in...
  • Calcium Test Kit - API

    Calcium Test Kit - API


    Calcium Test Kit Calcium is one of the most important elements in a reef aquarium. Reef invertebrates such as corals, crustaceans, mollusks and even some types of encrusting algae need calcium to grow and remain healthy. Over time, calcium levels drop...
  • Calcium Pro Test Refill - Red Sea

    Calcium Pro Test Refill - Red Sea

    Red Sea

    Refill contains all reagents used in the Red Sea calcium test kitCalcium, an essential component in the building of coral skeletons, is constantly depleted from the aquarium and needs to be monitored on a regular basis. Calcium Pro is an advanced calcium...
  • On Sale 15%
    HI97115UC Bluetooth Marine Master Multiparameter Checker - Hanna Instruments
    On Sale 15%

    HI97115UC Bluetooth Marine Master Multiparameter Checker - Hanna Instruments

    Hanna Instruments

    One Meter to RULE THEM ALL! Marine Master Waterproof Wireless Multiparameter Photometer w/Bluetooth Connection to the Hanna App where you can save your results. pH (HI780) Alkalinity (HI772) Ammonia (HI784) Calcium (HI758) Magnesium...
  • Salifert Master Reef Testing Combo Kit - Salifert

    Salifert Master Reef Testing Combo Kit - Salifert


    Six Salifert Professional Test Kits Includes Calcium, Nitrate, Phosphate, pH, Alkalinity & Magnesium Includes all the Core parameters of any Saltwater Aquarium/Marine Reef Tank Salifert Nitrate Test Kit - 50 Tests, Salifert Calcium Test...
  • Spot Check Marine Water Test (Single Test) -

    Spot Check Marine Water Test (Single Test) -


    Spot Check - Get marine water testing for the 8 core elements of a saltwater fish tank from the comfort of home.  Use this mail in water test to spot check your marine aquarium and/or verify what your seeing on your home test kits. It is time to...
  • On Sale 15%
    Hanna Master Reef Beginner Kit (772 Alk, 758 Calcium, 783 Magnesium, 782 HR Nitrate, 774 ULR Phosphate) Checker HC (Saltwater) - Hanna Instruments
    On Sale 15%

    Hanna Master Reef Beginner Kit (772 Alk, 758 Calcium, 783 Magnesium, 782 HR Nitrate, 774 ULR Phosphate) Checker HC (Saltwater) - Hanna Instruments

    Hanna Instruments

    772 CheckerThe HI772 Checker®HC (Handheld Colorimeter) provides a simple, accurate and cost effective way to measure alkalinity in degrees of calcium hardness, commonly abbreviated as dKH. Critical to marine environments, alkalinity not only provides...
  • On Sale 15%
    Hanna Core Parameters Kit (772 Alk, 758 Calcium, 783 Magnesium) Checker HC (Saltwater) - Hanna Instruments
    On Sale 15%

    Hanna Core Parameters Kit (772 Alk, 758 Calcium, 783 Magnesium) Checker HC (Saltwater) - Hanna Instruments

    Hanna Instruments

    772 CheckerThe HI772 Checker®HC (Handheld Colorimeter) provides a simple, accurate and cost effective way to measure alkalinity in degrees of calcium hardness, commonly abbreviated as dKH. Critical to marine environments, alkalinity not only provides...
  • Calcium Pro-High accuracy Titration Test Kit (75 tests) - Red Sea

    Calcium Pro-High accuracy Titration Test Kit (75 tests) - Red Sea

    Red Sea

    Red Sea’s Calcium Pro Test Kit is an advanced calcium titration test, measuring the level of calcium in your reef aquarium to an exceptionally high accuracy of 5 ppm. This test kit enables the accurate dosing of Red Sea’s Reef Foundation...
  • Calcium Marine Test Kit - Red Sea

    Calcium Marine Test Kit - Red Sea

    Red Sea

    Calcium Test Kit Accurate measurement of Calcium in marine aquariums Ca Red Sea’s user-friendly Calcium titration test provides a quick and reliable measurement of calcium in your aquarium to an accuracy of either 15ppm or 30ppm according to...
  • On Sale 15%
    Hanna Master Reef PRO Kit (772 Alk, 758 Calcium, 783 Magnesium, 781 LR Nitrate, 782 HR Nitrate, 713 Phosphate, 774 ULR Phosphate) Checker HC (Saltwater) - Hanna Instruments
    On Sale 15%

    Hanna Master Reef PRO Kit (772 Alk, 758 Calcium, 783 Magnesium, 781 LR Nitrate, 782 HR Nitrate, 713 Phosphate, 774 ULR Phosphate) Checker HC (Saltwater) - Hanna Instruments

    Hanna Instruments

    772 CheckerThe HI772 Checker®HC (Handheld Colorimeter) provides a simple, accurate and cost effective way to measure alkalinity in degrees of calcium hardness, commonly abbreviated as dKH. Critical to marine environments, alkalinity not only provides...
  • Calcium (CA) Reefer Test Kit 50 Tests - NYOS Aquatics

    Calcium (CA) Reefer Test Kit 50 Tests - NYOS Aquatics


    CALCIUM REEFER NYOS REEFER test kits - taking measurements at the laboratory level at an attractive price Water properties as close to nature are the key for every aquarium's success. However, monitoring relevant parameters in seawater is difficult due...
  • Calcium Liquid Test Kit - Fritz Aquatics

    Calcium Liquid Test Kit - Fritz Aquatics

    Fritz Aquatics

    Accurate in both Fresh and Saltwater Easy to Read Instructions Essential to Monitoring Proper Ionic Balance About Fritz Liquid Test Kits - Calcium Calcium (Ca2+) is vital to many biological functions. In saltwater aquariums, calcium should...
  • Calcium Test Kit (40 Tests) - ASF

    Calcium Test Kit (40 Tests) - ASF


    This test kit is designed for both freshwater and saltwater aquariums, ponds, and turtle enclosures. The kit provides fast, easy, and accurate measurements. Each kit includes a micro-syringe to ensure accurate testing. Multiple tests are included in...