
Phosphate (PO4)


Though natural sea water has a major constituent of phosphates, they are of no good in a closed reef aquarium setting. Even if phosphate is present in a reef tank in low concentration, they can spur algae growth and slow coral calcification. If by chance their concentration increases in a reef tank, algae can enormously capture the aquarium and corals can virtually stop growing, and even start to recede. When you are shedding bucks on getting algae removed from tank, it is important that you check on the reason behind their growth. It is most probable that you tank has phosphates that are inviting the algae to dominate your tank.

  • HI774 Ultra Low Range Phosphate Checker (Saltwater) - Hanna Instruments

    HI774 Ultra Low Range Phosphate Checker (Saltwater) - Hanna Instruments

    Hanna Instruments

    Our HI774 Ultra Low Range Phosphate Checker will be essentially the same specifications as the HI736 Ultra Low Range Phosphorus Checker however it will not require a conversion but read directly in parts per million phosphates compared to parts per...
  • HI713 Phosphate Low Range Checker HC (Saltwater) - Hanna Instruments

    HI713 Phosphate Low Range Checker HC (Saltwater) - Hanna Instruments

    Hanna Instruments

    Extreme Accuracy. Easy to Test in 4 Steps - Zero the Checker, Add a regent to your water sample, Insert the Vile in the Checker, Read the Numbered Results. BOOM EASY. ZAIR. Zero, Add, Insert, Read. Includes reagents for 6x tests. The Hanna...
  • Phosphate (PO4) Test Kit - Salifert

    Phosphate (PO4) Test Kit - Salifert


    Phosphate also blocks or retards the growth of corals and calcareous algae. One of the scientific studies shows that a phosphate concentration higher than 0.05 mg/L decreases the growth of calcareous algae by 90%! Washing fish food, which is a rich...
  • PhosGuard Phosphate Remover (2 L) - Seachem

    PhosGuard Phosphate Remover (2 L) - Seachem


    PhosGuard is spherical. Its shape allows for maximum water flow through the media. Granular phosphate removers can become compacted, dramatically limiting their capacity to remove phosphate. If the media can’t come into contact with the water, it...
  • Phosphate Pro Test Refill (PO4) - 100 Tests - Red Sea

    Phosphate Pro Test Refill (PO4) - 100 Tests - Red Sea

    Red Sea

    Reagent refill for Red Sea Phosphate Pro Test Kit. Enough reagent for 100 tests. Red Sea reagent refills make this line of test kits one of the most affordable high quality test kits available.
  • Salifert Master Reef Testing Combo Kit - Salifert

    Salifert Master Reef Testing Combo Kit - Salifert


    Six Salifert Professional Test Kits Includes Calcium, Nitrate, Phosphate, pH, Alkalinity & Magnesium Includes all the Core parameters of any Saltwater Aquarium/Marine Reef Tank Salifert Nitrate Test Kit - 50 Tests, Salifert Calcium Test...
  • Spot Check Marine Water Test (Single Test) -

    Spot Check Marine Water Test (Single Test) -


    Spot Check - Get marine water testing for the 8 core elements of a saltwater fish tank from the comfort of home.  Use this mail in water test to spot check your marine aquarium and/or verify what your seeing on your home test kits. It is time to...
  • Phosphate Test Kit (150 Tests) - API

    Phosphate Test Kit (150 Tests) - API


    Phosphate can enter your aquarium through tap water, fish waste, and decaying organics such as uneaten food and dead algae.   Excess phosphate contributes to unsightly algae blooms.   This kit tests phosphate levels from 0 to 10 ppm in...
  • Hanna Master Reef Beginner Kit (772 Alk, 758 Calcium, 783 Magnesium, 782 HR Nitrate, 774 ULR Phosphate) Checker HC (Saltwater) - Hanna Instruments

    Hanna Master Reef Beginner Kit (772 Alk, 758 Calcium, 783 Magnesium, 782 HR Nitrate, 774 ULR Phosphate) Checker HC (Saltwater) - Hanna Instruments

    Hanna Instruments

    772 CheckerThe HI772 Checker®HC (Handheld Colorimeter) provides a simple, accurate and cost effective way to measure alkalinity in degrees of calcium hardness, commonly abbreviated as dKH. Critical to marine environments, alkalinity not only provides...
  • PhosGuard Phosphate Remover (500 mL) - Seachem

    PhosGuard Phosphate Remover (500 mL) - Seachem


    PhosGuard is spherical. Its shape allows for maximum water flow through the media. Granular phosphate removers can become compacted, dramatically limiting their capacity to remove phosphate. If the media can’t come into contact with the water, it...
  • Algae Control Pro Multi Test Kit Nitrate/Phosphate - NO3/PO4 - Red Sea

    Algae Control Pro Multi Test Kit Nitrate/Phosphate - NO3/PO4 - Red Sea

    Red Sea

    Red Sea’s Algae Control Pro Kit includes high accuracy colorimetric comparator tests for the exceptionally high accuracy measurement of nitrate and phosphate. The nitrate & phosphate tests are essential for the accurate dosing of Red...
  • PhosGuard Phosphate Remover (250 mL) - Seachem

    PhosGuard Phosphate Remover (250 mL) - Seachem


    PhosGuard is spherical. Its shape allows for maximum water flow through the media. Granular phosphate removers can become compacted, dramatically limiting their capacity to remove phosphate. If the media can’t come into contact with the water, it...
  • Phosphate Marine Test Kit - Red Sea

    Phosphate Marine Test Kit - Red Sea

    Red Sea

    Phosphate Test Kit Accurate measurement of Phosphate in marine aquariums PO4 Red Sea’s colorimetric Phosphate test kit provides a quick and reliable measurement of Phosphate in your aquarium to an accuracy of 0.1ppm PO4. This test kit, in...
  • PhosBond (100 mL) Bagged - Seachem

    PhosBond (100 mL) Bagged - Seachem


    PhosBond™ is a revolutionary new product that combines the phosphate removing capabilities of both aluminum oxide and granular ferric oxide into a singular material forming a synergistic effect. It rapidly removes phosphates and silicates from...
  • Phosphate Pro Test Kit (PO4) - 100 Tests - Red Sea

    Phosphate Pro Test Kit (PO4) - 100 Tests - Red Sea

    Red Sea

    Red Sea’s Phosphate Pro Test Kit is an advanced colorimetric test with comparator, measuring the level of phosphate in your reef aquarium to an exceptionally high accuracy of 0.02ppm PO4. Phosphate Pro Test Kit, when used in conjunction with...
  • Phosphate (PO4) Reefer Test Kit 50 Tests - NYOS Aquatics

    Phosphate (PO4) Reefer Test Kit 50 Tests - NYOS Aquatics


    PHOSPHATE REEFER NYOS® REEFER test kits - taking measurements at the laboratory level at an attractive price Water properties as close to nature are the key for every aquarium's success. However, monitoring relevant parameters in seawater is...
  • Hanna Master Reef PRO Kit (772 Alk, 758 Calcium, 783 Magnesium, 781 LR Nitrate, 782 HR Nitrate, 713 Phosphate, 774 ULR Phosphate) Checker HC (Saltwater) - Hanna Instruments

    Hanna Master Reef PRO Kit (772 Alk, 758 Calcium, 783 Magnesium, 781 LR Nitrate, 782 HR Nitrate, 713 Phosphate, 774 ULR Phosphate) Checker HC (Saltwater) - Hanna Instruments

    Hanna Instruments

    772 CheckerThe HI772 Checker®HC (Handheld Colorimeter) provides a simple, accurate and cost effective way to measure alkalinity in degrees of calcium hardness, commonly abbreviated as dKH. Critical to marine environments, alkalinity not only provides...
  • PhosBond (250 mL) - Seachem

    PhosBond (250 mL) - Seachem


    PhosBond™ is a revolutionary new product that combines the phosphate removing capabilities of both aluminum oxide and granular ferric oxide into a singular material forming a synergistic effect. It rapidly removes phosphates and silicates from...
  • PhosBond (1 L) - Seachem

    PhosBond (1 L) - Seachem


    PhosBond™ is a revolutionary new product that combines the phosphate removing capabilities of both aluminum oxide and granular ferric oxide into a singular material forming a synergistic effect. It rapidly removes phosphates and silicates from...
  • Phosphate Liquid Test Kit (Up to 150 Tests) - Fritz Aquatics

    Phosphate Liquid Test Kit (Up to 150 Tests) - Fritz Aquatics

    Fritz Aquatics

    East to Read Instructions Essential for a Healthy Tank Accurate in both Fresh and Saltwater About Fritz Liquid Test Kits - Phosphate Excess nutrients can lead to poor water quality very quickly. If not controlled, phosphate (PO4) can...
  • PhosBond (500 mL) - Seachem

    PhosBond (500 mL) - Seachem


    PhosBond™ is a revolutionary new product that combines the phosphate removing capabilities of both aluminum oxide and granular ferric oxide into a singular material forming a synergistic effect. It rapidly removes phosphates and silicates from...
  • PhosBond (4 L) - Seachem

    PhosBond (4 L) - Seachem


    PhosBond™ is a revolutionary new product that combines the phosphate removing capabilities of both aluminum oxide and granular ferric oxide into a singular material forming a synergistic effect. It rapidly removes phosphates and silicates from...
  • FOWLR Deluxe Saltwater Test Set (HI98319, 781, Salifert PO4)

    FOWLR Deluxe Saltwater Test Set (HI98319, 781, Salifert PO4)


    Hanna Salinity/Temperature Checker - HI98319 Salinity/Temperature Meter - Each meter is supplied with: CR2032 battery (inside the meter), Storage / Protection sleeve, Instruction manual, Quality certificate, and 35.00 ppt calibration standard sachet (4...
  • Compact Lab - Essentials Test Kit (5 Parameters) - Tropic Marin

    Compact Lab - Essentials Test Kit (5 Parameters) - Tropic Marin

    Tropic Marin

    The test set Tropic Marin® Compact Lab includes all the important tests for prompt and precise determination of water values. The pH value, alkalinity, phosphate level, nitrite and nitrate content as well as the ammonia concentration of the...
  • Reef Tank Beginner Saltwater Test Set

    Reef Tank Beginner Saltwater Test Set


    Generic Refractometer - It is designed for testing the concentration of salt water and brine and used for quality control in research and clinical laboratories and marine industry. Its scale provides a direct reading of the specific gravity and...
  • FOWLR Beginner Saltwater Test Set (Refractometer, Salifert NO3, PO4)

    FOWLR Beginner Saltwater Test Set (Refractometer, Salifert NO3, PO4)


    Generic Refractometer - It is designed for testing the concentration of salt water and brine and used for quality control in research and clinical laboratories and marine industry. Its scale provides a direct reading of the specific gravity and...
  • Hanna Algae Control PRO Kit (774 ULR Phosphate, 713 Phosphate, 781 LR Nitrate, 782 HR Nitrate) Checker HC (Saltwater) - Hanna Instruments

    Hanna Algae Control PRO Kit (774 ULR Phosphate, 713 Phosphate, 781 LR Nitrate, 782 HR Nitrate) Checker HC (Saltwater) - Hanna Instruments

    Hanna Instruments

    774 CheckerThe HI774 Ultra Low Range Phosphate Checker HC (Handheld Colorimeter) provides a simple, accurate and cost-effective way to measure phosphate in marine systems including reef tanks. Phosphate is an important parameter to measure in aquaculture...
  • Phosphate Test Kit (40 Tests) - ASF

    Phosphate Test Kit (40 Tests) - ASF


    This test kit is designed for both freshwater and saltwater aquariums, ponds, and turtle enclosures. The kit provides fast, easy, and accurate measurements. These kits include an easy to read color chart so that the results are clear. Multiple tests...