Compatible with both G5 and G6 Radion XR30s.
Multi-Light Radion Mounting System - Slide Mount
The Multi-Light RMS is a modular and customizable Radion LED mounting solution for all XR15 and XR30...
Q: What about mounting?A: Original Single ARM RMS mounts can be adapted to fit the G5 X-brackets. MultiLight Rails and Arms do not need any modification although the newly designed G5 Xbrackets...
The Radion G5 Diffuser Accessories.
Gentle caustics
Further color mixing
Further intensity balancing
2 Models one version for all XR15 models and one version for all XR30 models...
In the aquarium, enjoy richer colors, pop more fluorescence and create the ultimate balance between crisp and actinic. From its inception, Radion has set the standard for what full spectrum aquarium...
In the aquarium, enjoy richer colors, pop more fluorescence and create the ultimate balance between crisp and actinic. From its inception, Radion has set the standard for what full spectrum aquarium...